Drawing Wall

Engage your attendees with a fun, interactive activation—our Drawing Wall. Let participants contribute to a collaborative art piece, one drawing or word at a time. From thought-provoking questions to playful challenges, attendees can express themselves uniquely, reflecting their individuality with each contribution.

Your personalized canvas for interactive creativity at events

  • Promotion and Engagement

    Participation encouragement through custom prompts

  • Diverse Display Options

    Various sizes, from standard monitors to full-height LED screens

  • Customizable Features

    Visual elements unique to your brand

  • Interactive Display

    A dynamic display for an engaging collective experience

  • Personalized Prompts

    Prompts tailored to your event's theme and audience

  • Gamification

    Interactive engagement & memorable takeaways

  • Diverse Palette

    Various pen & background hues to customize your canvas

  • Save & Share

    Option to save and/or share your creations

A dynamic feature that engages attendees in conversation

A custom display wall and drawing canvas experience, tailored to fit the brand and event theme, allowing users to select both pen and background colors.

A colorful, engaging, drawing wall experience that made attendees feel part of the bigger conversation.

An interactive drawing wall experience filled with vibrant colors that captivated attendees during session breaks.

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